The 1st European Road Infrastructure Congress (ERIC)
With the 1st European Road Infrastructure Congress less than 100 days away, the organising team is pleased to share the event’s latest developments. Why attend? [row] [one_quarter] [iconbox iconpos=”top” icon=”file-text” with_circle=”0″ title=”” link=” Visibility Opportunities.pdf” img=””]ERIC Visibility Opportunities [/iconbox] [/one_quarter] [one_quarter] [iconbox iconpos=”top” icon=”file-text” with_circle=”0″ title=”” link=” 18 Oct as at 150916.pdf” img=””]Programme 18 Oct […]
Prvi BiH Kongres o Vodama
Dobrodošlica Poštovane kolegice i kolege, dragi gosti! Prvi BiH kongres o vodama održaće se u Sarajevu 27. i 28. oktobra 2016. godine u organizaciji UKI BIH (Udruženje konsultanata inženjera Bosne i Hercegovine) i institucija koje u Bosni i Hercegovini participiraju u upravljanju vodnim resursima. Svjesni smo vremena u kome se nalazi BiH društvo i privreda, […]
The First BH Water Congress
WELCOME Dear colleagues and guests, THE FIRST BH WATER CONGRESS, organised by ACE BH (Association of Consulting Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina) and institutions involved in water resource management in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is going to be held in Sarajevo on 27 and 28 October 2016. We are aware of the position in which the […]