Udruženje inženjera konsultanata Bosne i Hercegovine



O K R U G L I   S T O



Udruženje konsultanata inženjera Bosne i Hercegovine organizovalo je 3. Kongres o vodama 11. i 12. maja 2022. godine u Sarajevu. Cilj Kongresa je bio da se vode jasno i ponovo prepoznaju kao „motor pokretač“ razvoja u energetici, industriji, transportu, poljoprivredi i mnogim drugim djelatnostima.

Na Kongresu je prezentirano 40 referata, koje je pripremilo 132 autora i koautora iz Austrije, Češke, Hrvatske, Srbije, Španije, Tuske i Bosne i Hercegovine. U okviru Kongresa organiziran je Okrugli sto na temu: Energetsko iskorištenje hidropotencijala Bosne i Hercegovine. Uvodničari na Okruglom stolu bili u su vrhunski stručnjaci: Prof.dr Tarik Kupusović, Slobodan Kovačina dipl. Ing., Hazim Zečević dipl. Ing. i Prof.dr Emina Hadžić kao moderator i uvodničar.

Sve stručne rasprave o perspektivi razvoja čovječanstva u toku borbe protiv klimatskih promjena, ukazuju da će glavni izazovi ovoga stoljeća predsta­vljati: voda, hrana i energija. Svakako da je voda ključni i integrirajući faktor u toj borbi, zato su organizatori 3. Kongresa o vodamaprepoznali, smatrajući se pozvanim da kroz izlaganja i diskusiju stručnjaka u formi Okruglog stola ukažu na važnost racionalnog i održivog upravljanja vodama, ističući posebno aspekt hidroenergetskog korištenja voda. Preporuke i zaključke sa Okruglog stola koji slijede, treba prihvatiti kao podršku provođenju usvojene „Okvirne energetske strategije BiH do 2035. godine“, obavezama koje su preuzete Sporazumom sa Evropskom energetskom zajednicom i pristupanjem Okvirnoj konvenciji Ujedinjenih nacija o klimatskim promjenama, a namjenjeni su stručnoj javnosti i donosiocima odluka u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Na osnovu izlaganja uvodničara i diskusija stručnjaka učesnika 3. Kongresa o vodama usvojene su sljedeće preporuke i zaključci.


  1. Uz nove – vjetro i solarne elektrane, reafirmisati i inovirati i stare, dobre hidroenergetske projekte. Potencijal za BiH je tu ogroman, ali je neophodan politički, društveni i pravni ambijent, te uređenje institucionalnih aranžmana, kako međusobno u BiH, tako i sa susjednim državama;
  2. Vode su medij koji spaja i pruža šansu BiH, kao i svim njenim susjedima, za ubrzanim, integralnim razvojem svih društvenih i ekonomskih komponenti. Tu je lancu „voda – hrana – energija“ neophodan jedinstven pristup.
  3. Niko iz sektora obnovljivih izvora energije, pa ni vjetro niti solarne elektrane, nije izuzet od uticaja i odgovornosti za okoliš;
  4. Slivovi sa višenamjenskim hidroakumulacijama za energiju predstavljaju najbolju „branu“ klimatskim promjenama;
  5. Smjernice za održivost hidroenergije i Protokol za procjenu održivosti hidroenergije, razvijeni nedavno od strane Međunarodna hidroenergetska asocijacija (IHA) na bazi iskustava i rezultata dobre svjetske prakse u hidroenergetskom sektoru tokom faza pripreme, izgradnje i rada hidroenergetskih objekata, predstavljaju osnovu i uputu za odlučivanje o tome šta i kako se može u BiH, te koji projekat je održiv i podoban za sufinansiranje od internacionalnih banaka. Da ne bi ponovljali greške koje su pratile implementaciju hidroenergetskih projekata u prošlosti, donošenje odluka o izgradnji novih hidroelektrana u BiH treba usaglasiti sa pomenutim dokumentima.


  1. Na konferencijama UN-a o klimatskim promjenama postignut je opšti konsenzus o tome da globalni energetski sektor drži ključ u borbi sa ublažavanjem negativnih uticaja tih promjena na održivi razvoj čovječanstva. Definišući glavne ciljeve te borbe, prihvaćena je 2050. godina kao krajnji vremenski prag potpune energetske tranzicije, odnosno promjene dosadašnje paradigme u sektoru proizvodnje električne energije bazirane na fosilnim gorivima, na obnovljive izvore energije. Takav odnos prema energetskoj tranziciji podržala je i naša zemlja, što zahtjeva i ispunjavanje određenih obaveza u smislu preduzimanju konkretnih mjera, i to već danas jer sutra može biti kasno.
  2. U pogledu obima proizvodnje iz obnovljivih izvora energije, najznačajniju ulogu imaju solarne i vjetro elektrane čija je proizvodnja varijabilna, nepredvidiva i nije dispečibilna (upravljiva), dok ključnu ulogu u stabilnom funkcionisanju elektroener­getskih sistema imaju hidroelektrane, i to one konvencionalne sa većim akumula­ci­jama a naročito pumpne hidroelektrane koje:
    – imaju veliki značaj u balansiranju elektroenergetskog sistema zbog sposobnosti da odgovore na potencijalno velike promjene opterećenja u roku od nekoliko sekundi;
    – omogućavaju sinergiju sa ostalim obnovljivim izvorima energije, formiranjem hibridnih energetskih sistema čija je efikasnost i funkcionalnost već potvrđena u praksi;
    – predstavljaju jedini sistem koji trenutno postoji za skladištenje energije na značajan i efikasan način;
  3. Formiranje većih vodnih akumulacija predstavlja složen tehnički poduhvat koji zahtjeva angažovanje iskusnih stručnjaka u pripremi, istraživanju, projektovanju i izvođenju radova, i to u dužem vremenskom periodu, najčešće 10 i više godina. To ukazuje na važnost dugoročnog planiranja potreba za akumuliranjem voda, ne rukovedići se uzrečicom da za te aktivnosti nikad nije kasno, već da nikad nije rano.
  4. Zbog važne uloge vodnih akumulacija u ublažavanju posljedica klimatskih promjena i u procesu energetske tranzicije, moguće lokacije akumulacija postaju takođe važan prirodni resurs. Zato se izboru potencijalnih lokacija za ovu namjenu treba posvetiti posebna pažnja angažovanjem interdisciplinarnog tima stručnjaka, uz prethodno usaglašene planskih potreba za vodom svih zainteresovanih subjekata u slivu. Odabrane lokacije treba stručno verifikovati, pravno ozvaničiti od strane nadležnih institucija vlasti i uključiti u prostorne planove.
  5. Hidroenergija u BiH, sa svojim već iskorištenim i neiskorištenim potencijalom, ima sve karakteristike i mogućnost da posluži kao katalizator u procesu energetske tranzicije. Međutim, to će zahtijevati fleksibilniji, efikasniji, te ekološki i društveno prihvatljiv pristup povećanju njene proizvodnje, a to znači:
    – povećanje proizvodnje hidroenergije kroz implementaciju novih ekološki prihvatljivih, višenamjenskih hidroenergetskih shema, posebno akumulacionih hidroelektrana;
    – povećanje fleksibilnosti proizvodnje iz postojećih hidroelektrana adaptacijom i optimizacijom infrastrukture i opreme u kombinaciji s inovativnim rješenjima za ublažavanje uticaja na okoliš;
    – povećanjem skladištenja energije povećanjem zapremine postojećih i izgradnjom novih akumulacija, tako da se osigura ne samo fleksibilno snabdijevanje energijom, već i višenamjensko korišćenje voda (posebno vodosnabdjevanje stanovništva i proizvodnju hrane).
  6. Da bi se utvrdio preostali hidroenergetski potencijal BiH sugeriše se nadležnim institucijama da u što kraćem roku:
    – iniciraju, koordiniraju i finansijski podrže izradu Studije hidroenergetskih potencijala Bosne i Hercegovine, koja bi na sveobuhvatan i sistematičan način analizirala preostali prirodni hidropote­nci­jal, sumirajući ga parcijalno po slivovima i ukupno za BiH.
    – u ovoj Studiji je neophodno posebno istaći moguće lokacije akumulacionih hidroelektrana na vodotocima i potencijalne lokacije akumulacija pumpnih hidroelektrana.
    – nakon utvrđivanja preostalog prirodnog hidropotencijala, u studiji je neophodno posebnu pažnju posvetiti analizi potencijala koga je tehnički moguće i eko­nomski opravdano iskoristiti, razvrstavajući prostore i vodotokove ili određene poteze vodotoka u tri kategorije:
    – prostori i lokacije gdje nije moguće graditi hidroelektrane,
    – prostori i lokacije gdje je moguća gradnja uz primjenu posebnih uslova i
    – prostori i lokacije gdje je moguće graditi ove objekte bez ikakvih ograničenja.
    – navedena Studija mora biti bazirana na aktuelnim i pouzdanim hidrološkim podlogama, kako bi se što realnije definisali osnovni parametri budućih hidro­postrojenja.
    – nadležne institucije moraju izvršiti verifikaciju ove studije i njene rezultate unijeti u odgovarajuće prostorne planove.
  7. Uloga države bi trebala biti u stvaranju pretpostavki za razvoj projekata energetske tranzicije u okviru borbe protiv klimatskih promjena. Zato se svim nivoima zakono­davne i izvršne vlasti u BiH sugeriše da borbi protiv klimatskih promjena i energetskoj tranziciji pristupe zbog vlastitog održivog razvoja, a ne formalno zbog internacionalnih obaveza države. U tom cilju potrebno je:
    – da se maksimalno angažuju na stvaranju zakonskih pretpostavki oko korištenja hidrenergetskog potencijala, posebno na graničnim rijekama, da rade na usaglašavanju zakonskih rješenja i procedura, raspodjeli prihoda i stimulisanju lokalnih zajednica, boljoj prezentaciji i transparentnom informisanju građana o općoj dobrobiti iskorištenja ovako važnog prirodnog resursa.
    – da obezbijede potreban kadrovski i institucionalni kapacitet, kroz saradnju sa relevantnim visokoobrazovnim institucijama, za praćenje svih inicijativa i preporuka relevantnih faktora u EU i svijetu koji se bave problemima klimatskih promjena i energetske tranzicije, kao i na prepoznavanju savremenih tehnologija koje se implementiraju u svjetskoj praksi,
    – da podrže organizovanje stručnih asocijacija u BiH, te omoguće njihovo povezivanje sa sličnim asocijacijama u EU i svijetu. Posebno ističemo važnost, aktuelnost i  potrebu reaktiviranja rada BH Komiteta za visoke brane, čije je članstvo u ICOLD-u (INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON LARGE DAMS) suspendovano zbog neizmirenog simboličnog iznosa članarine.


R O U N D   T A B L E



Association of Consulting Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina organized 3rd Water Congress on 11th and 12th May 2022 in Sarajevo. The objective of the Congress was to recognize water clearly and again as an “engine“ pushing the development of energy, industry, transport, agriculture and many other fields.

There were 40 presentations presented at the Congress which were prepared by 132 authors and co-authors from Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia, Spain, Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina. A round table session on Energy Utilization of Hydro Potential of Bosnia and Herzegovina was also organized at the Congress. Speakers at the Round table session were leading experts: Prof. Dr. Tarik Kupusovic, graduated engineer Slobodan Kovacina, graduated engineer Hazim Zecevic and Prof. Dr. Emina Hadzic who played a role as both a moderator and speaker.

All expert discussions on perspectives of the development of human civilization while fighting climate change indicate that major challenges in the course of this century will be water, food and energy. It is certain that water is a key and integral part in that fight, and, therefore, the organizers of 3rd Water Congress, considering themselves responsible to address the importance of regional and sustainable water management through presentations and discussion led by leading experts at the Round table session, acknowledged this fact highlighting in particular the aspect of utilization of hydro energy aspect of water. The following recommendations and conclusions reached at the Round table session should be accepted as a support to the implementation of the adopted “Framework Energy Strategy of BiH until 2035“ and commitments taken over through the Agreement signed with the European Energy Community and accession to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and they are addressed to the expert and scientific audience and decision makers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Based on the presented papers and discussion led by the leading experts the following recommendations and conclusions were reached.  


  1. Along with new – wind and solar power facilities there is a need to also reaffirm and update old, good hydropower projects.  BiH has a huge potential in this area, but it needs a political, social and legal ambient together with the regulation of institutional arrangements, both internally in BiH and with neighbouring countries.
  2. Water is a medium through which ties are made and which offers an opportunity to BiH and to its neighbours for a speedy, integral development of all social and economic components. This water-food-energy chain needs a unique approach.  
  3. No party from the renewable energy sources sector, such as wind and solar power facilities, is exempted from its impact on and responsibility for the environment.
  4. Basins with multipurpose reservoir lakes for energy are best “dams“ against climate change.
  5. Hydropower Sustainability Guidelines and Protocol for the Assessment of Hydropower Sustainability, recently developed by the International Hydro Power Association( IHA) based on experiences and results of good practices all over the world in hydropower sector gained during phases of preparation, construction and operations of hydropower facilities, constitute a basis and guidelines on decision making as to what can be done and how it can be done in BiH,  and which project is sustainable and adequate for co-financing by the international banks. In order not to repeat the mistakes which followed the implementation of hydropower projects in the past, decision making process on construction of new hydropower plants in BiH needs to be harmonised with the above-mentioned documents.   


  1. A general consensus has been reached at the UN conferences on climate change about the fact that global energy sector plays a key role in reduction of negative impact of those changes upon sustainable development of humankind.  Having defined major goals of that fight it was accepted that 2050 would be a final deadline for the completion of energy transition, meaning that practices used so far in the sector of production of energy which are based on fossil fuels will be replaced by the use of renewable energy sources. Our country has also supported this approach focused on the energy transition, which requires meeting certain obligations and undertaking specific measures, and that should be done today as it can be late to do it tomorrow.
  2. As regards the scope of production from renewable energy sources the most important role is played by solar and wind power plants. Their energy production is changeable, unpredictable and is not manageable, while hydropower plants have a key role in a stable functioning of electro energy systems, and this in particular relates to conventional hydropower plants with greater reservoir lakes and more specifically to pumped-storage hydropower plants which:
    – have a great importance in balancing electro energy systems due to having a capability to respond to potentially big changes of pressure within a couple of seconds.
    – make it possible to have synergy with other renewable energy sources by creating hybrid energy systems the efficiency and functionality of which have already been confirmed in practice.
    – constitute the only system which currently exists for storing energy in a significant and efficient manner.
  3. Creating larger in size reservoir lakes is a complex technical endeavour which requires engagement of experienced experts during preparation, research, project designing and execution of works, within a longer period of time, most often for 10 or more years. This implies the significance of a long-term planning when it comes to needs for water storing, and, therefore, we should not be guided by a saying that it is never late to carry out those activities, but that it is never early to do so.
  4. Due to the important role of reservoir lakes in reducing consequences of climate change, even during the energy transition phase, potential locations for reservoir lakes also become important natural resources.  Therefore, a special attention needs to be paid to hiring an interdisciplinary team of experts when a selection of potential locations is at issue, along with previously agreed upon and envisaged needs for water expressed by all interested parties in a basin. Selected locations need to be verified by experts, and legally defined by competent institutions and as such they should be integrated in spatial planning documents.
  5. Hydropower in BiH, with its used and unused potential, possesses all characteristics and has a possibility to be used as a catalysator in the energy transition process. However, that will require a more flexible, efficient, and ecologically and socially acceptable approach aimed at increasing its production, which means:
    – Increase in hydropower production through the implementation of new ecologically accepted, multipurpose hydropower schemas, and in particular this concerns hydroelectrical power plant reservoirs.
    – Increase of production flexibility in the existing hydro power plants by adapting the infrastructure, its optimisation and optimisation of equipment together with innovative solutions for reduction of negative impact upon the environment.   
    – Increase of energy storage by increasing volume of the existing reservoir lakes and by creating new ones, thus it will ensure not only a flexible energy provision but multipurpose use of water (particularly water supply to population and food production).
  6. In order to determine the hydropower potential of Bosnia and Herzegovina it is suggested to the competent institutions, within shortest period of time to:
    – Initiate, coordinate and financially support drafting of Hydropower Potential Study in BiH which would in a comprehensive and systematic way analyse the remaining natural hydropower potentials, summing it up partially per basins and for the whole of BiH.
    – In this Study it is necessary to particularly highlight possible locations for hydroelectric power plant reservoirs on watercourses and potential locations for pumped-storage hydropower plants.
    -After determining the remaining natural hydropotential, it is necessary to pay a special attention in this Study to the analyses of potential which is technically feasible to do and is economically justifiable to use, sorting out space and watercourses or certain parts of watercourses into three categories:
    – Areas and locations where it is not possible to build hydropower plants,
    – Areas and locations where it is possible to build them by applying special conditions, and
    – Areas and locations where it is possible to build such facilities without any limitations.
    – The said Study has to be based on actual and reliable hydrological foundations in order to define, as realistically as possible, basic parameters of future hydropower facilities. 
    – Competent institutions have to verify this Study and enter results of the Study in the relevant spatial planning documents.
  7. The role of the state should be in creating prerequisites for development of projects within the fight against climate change. Therefore, all levels of legislative and executive authorities of BiH are suggested to join the fight against climate change and to follow energy transition because of their own sustainable development, and not just formally because of international obligations of the state. In order to achieve this, it is necessary:
    – that the authorities get fully engaged in creating legal prerequisites for the utilization of hydro power sector, in particular on bordering rivers, that they work on harmonising legal solutions and procedures, distribution of income and that they stimulate local communities and inform citizens in a transparent way about benefits of utilizing such an important natural resource.
    – that they ensure necessary human resources and institutional capacities through the cooperation with relevant higher education institutions so that they can follow all initiatives and recommendations of relevant stakeholders in the EU and the world which deal with the issue of climate change and energy transition, and to recognize modern and up to date technologies which are being applied in the world.
    – To support the organization of expert associations in BiH, and to have them connect with similar associations in the EU and the world. We particularly highlight the importance and need to reactivate the work of BiH Commission for High Dams whose membership in ICOLD (International Commission on Large Dams) has been suspended because of outstanding membership debt which is symbolic in amount.