Poštovane kolegice i kolege,
Udruženje konsultanata inženjera Bosne i Hercegovine (UKI BiH) organizuje 4. BiH Kongres o vodama, koji će se održati 19. i 20. novembra 2024. u Sarajevu.
Voda kao zajednički životni resurs, koji se prenosi s generacije na generaciju, esencijalan je za ljude, okoliš i pravedne osnove razvoja ekonomije.
Četvrti BiH Kongres o vodama dolazi u vrijeme kada se od svih očekuje angažman za unaprjeđenje upravljanjem okolišem, posebno vodama, da bi konačno krenuli u novi ciklus razvoja i prosperiteta zajednice.
Kongres će, kao i prethodni, imati internacionalni karakter i okupiti stručnjake i naučne radnike iz raznih regija EU, predstavnike nevladinih organizacija, kao i predstavnike institucija vlasti, u cilju širenja znanja i iskustava u svim aspektima upravljanja vodnim resursima. Očekujemo vaše aktivno učešće u organizaciji i radu 4. BiH Kongresa o vodama.
Udruženje konsultanata inženjera Bosne i Hercegovine
Više informacija: https://uki.ba/events/4-kongres-o-vodama/
4th BiH Congress on waters, 19 and 20 November 2024, Sarajevo
The Association of Consulting Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (UKI BiH / ACE BH) is organizing the 4th BiH Congress on waters, to be held in Sarajevo on 19 and 20 November 2024.
Water as a common vital resource that is passed on from one generation to another is essential for mankind and the environment, as well as for an equitable foundation for economic development.
The Fourth BiH Congress on Waters comes at a time when everyone is expected to become involved in the efforts to improve environmental management, especially management of waters, in order to finally start a new round of development and prosperity of the community.
As was the case with the previous conferences, this Congress will be international in character and will gather experts and scientific workers from different EU regions, representatives of nongovernmental organizations, and government representatives, for the purpose of spreading knowledge and experiences in all aspects of water resources management.
We expect you to actively participate in the organization and the work of The Fourth BiH Congress on Waters.
Association of Consulting Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
More info: https://uki.ba/events/4-congress-on-waters/