The Fifth BH Congress on Roads

INVITATION I have the pleasure of inviting you, on behalf of the Association of Consulting Engineers, to the 5th BH CONGRESS ON ROADS, which is going to be held in Sarajevo on 29 and 30 September 2016. The 5th BiH CONGRESS ON ROADS is organised in cooperation with the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). The Congress […]
Peti Kongres o cestama
POZIVNICA Veliko mi je zadovoljstvo pozvati Vas, u ime Udruženja konsultanata inženjera, na PETI BH KONGRES O CESTAMA, koji će biti održan u Sarajevu 29 – 30 septembra 2016. godine. PETI BH KONGRES O CESTAMA organizira se u saradnji sa Vijećem za regionalnu saradnju (RCC). Pokrovitelj Kongresa je Ministarstvo komunikacija i transporta Bosne i Hercegovine. […]