Udruženje inženjera konsultanata Bosne i Hercegovine

13. Kongres o transportnoj infrastrukturi i transportu – CESTE, 19. i 20. septembar 2024., Sarajevo

Poštovane kolegice i kolege,

Udruženje konsultanata inženjera Bosne i Hercegovine (UKI BiH) u saradnji sa European Union Road Federation (ERF), organizuje 13. Kongres o transportnoj infrastrukturi i transportu – ceste, koji će se održati 19. i 20. septembra 2024. u Sarajevu.

Skup je internacionalnog karaktera.

Razvijenost jedne države mjeri se razvijenošću transportne infrastrukture. Transportni sistem predstavlja veoma bitnu razvojnu komponentu svakog društva. Transportni sektor ima i odlučujuću ulogu u borbi protiv klimatskih promjena. Transport i saobraćaj su najvažniji potencijal za brži seveukupni (lokalni, regionalni i globalni) razvoj. Permanentno se radi na unapređenju njegove razvojne strategije čiji je cilj pametni, sigurni, konkurentni, dostupni i okolišno prihvatljivi transportni sistem.

Ceste su jedan od temelja evropskih integracija i sveukupog razvoja evropskih regija.

I ovaj Kongres će, kao i prethodni, okupiti stručnjake i naučne radnike iz raznih regija EU, predstavnike nevladinih organizacija, kao i predstavnike institucija vlasti.

Kongres će tretirati sljedeće tematske cjeline:

  • Green cestovni transport
  • TEN-T mreža
  • Smart saobraćaj u urbanim sredinama
  • Studije i projekti
  • Sigurnija cestovna meža

Očekujemo vaše aktivno učešće u organizaciji i radu 13. Kongresa o transportnoj infrastrukturi i transportu –  ceste.

Prof.dr Ešref Gačanin
Predsjednik ACE BH

Više informacija:



13th Congress on Transport and Transport Infrastructure – Roads, 19 and 20 September 2024, Sarajevo

Dear colleagues,

The Association of Consulting Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (UKI BiH), in collaboration with the European Union Road Federation (ERF), is organizing The 13th Congress on Transport and Transport Infrastructure– Roads, to be held in Sarajevo on 19 and 20 September 2024.
The Congress is of international character.

The level of a country’s development is measured by the level of development of its transport infrastructure. The transport system is a very important developmental component of any society. The transport sector also plays a decisive role in the fight against climate change. Transport and traffic represent the most important potential for faster overall development (local, regional, and global development). There are continuous efforts to improve its developmental strategy, whose goal is a smart, safe, competitive, available, and environmentally acceptable transport system.

Roads are a cornerstone of European integration and overall development of European regions.
The same as the previous one, this Congress will gather experts and scientific workers from different regions of the EU, representatives of nongovernmental organizations, and government officials.

The following topics will be discussed at the Congress:

  • Green road transport
  • TEN-T network
  • Smart transport in urban areas
  • Studies and projects
  • A safer road network

We expect your active participation in the organization and work of The 13th Congress on Transport and Transport Infrastructure– Roads.

Ešref Gačanin, PhD
President of ACE BH

Click on the link for more details: