Udruženje inženjera konsultanata Bosne i Hercegovine


 2. Konferencije o urbanom planiranju i regionalnom razvoju PREVIEW

Sabina Mujkić: Urbanizam bazirati na znanju, a ne na privatnim interesima

SARAJEVO, 12. decembra (FENA) – Dr. Sabina Mujkić, urbanist, prostorni planer, istraživač Urbanističkog instituta Republike Slovenije izjavila je u razgovoru za Fenu da je u prvoj deceniji tranzicijskog procesa stanje u oblasti urbanog planiranja u većini zemalja u tranziciji bilo u krizi, jer su velike društvene, političke i privredne promjene u mnogome utjecale i na sistem planiranja i na izgrađeni […]


Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems ______________________________________________________________________________ ____ Sarajevo 2020

1 Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development

New approach in Urban Infrastructure Planning Strategies will try to answer the question: What are the opportunities, challenges and risks of integrated solutions in sustainable infrastructure and urban development? In the region with declining population numbers, it is still cities that attract people, mainly because of the „higher quality of life“. When asked to describe […]


[tabs] [item title=”SPONSORS” icon=””] GOLDEN SPONSOR [pricing_table] [pricing_column title=”Euro Asfalt” type=”featured”] [/pricing_column] [pricing_column title=”Altpro” type=”featured”] [/pricing_column] [pricing_column title=”Plasser & Theurer” type=”featured”] [/pricing_column] [/pricing_table] OTHER SPONSOR [pricing_table] [pricing_column title=”AGIT” type=””] [/pricing_column] [pricing_column title=”HEIS” type=””] [/pricing_column] [pricing_column title=”HŽ CARGO” type=””] [/pricing_column] [/pricing_table] [pricing_table] [pricing_column title=”IPSA INSTITUT” type=””] [/pricing_column] [pricing_column title=”SWS” type=””] [/pricing_column] [pricing_column title=”TEHNIČKI INSTITUT” type=””] [/pricing_column] […]

The First BH Water Congress

WELCOME Dear colleagues and guests, THE FIRST BH WATER CONGRESS, organised by ACE BH (Association of Consulting Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina) and institutions involved in water resource management in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is going to be held in Sarajevo on 27 and 28 October 2016. We are aware of the position in which the […]

The Fifth BH Congress on Roads

INVITATION I have the pleasure of inviting you, on behalf of the Association of Consulting Engineers, to the 5th BH CONGRESS ON ROADS, which is going to be held in Sarajevo on 29 and 30 September 2016. The 5th BiH CONGRESS ON ROADS is organised in cooperation with the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). The Congress […]

The Third BH Congress on Railways

Welcome In cooperation with the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), the Bosnia and Herzegovina Association of Consulting Engineers (ACE B&H) intends to organise the Third B&H Railway Congress. The Congress is going to be held in October 2015. Over the past 25 years, the European Commission has taken an active approach to restructuring the railway transport […]